Monday 27 February 2012

Sophie Munden, Evaluation - Question Four

Question 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Planning - the main form of technology used in the planning stages of our promotional package was Blogger. We were able to record our thoughts and research, both product and audience. We also used software like Excel to create graphs of our questionnaire results in order to organise them and help us to see clearly our outcomes. Youtube was vital to our research as we constantly looked at trailers for Drama films in order to understand thoroughly the conventions and structure of a trailer. Smart phones enabled us to make our production journey faster as we could communicate and share ideas instantly. When it came to taking our location shots this was useful as well.

Construction - hardware was a vital part of this stage. Cameras, voice recording equiptment and computers were essential in the filming for our trailer. IMovie, made editing easy. In order to create our film poster and magazine we used Photoshop. In the planning stages we experimented by creating our own versions of already existing media texts, we discovered how easy it was to use and the effects you could create therefore influencing our decision to create our film poster by mainly using this programme.

Due to the affordability and easy access to equipment and software that helps you to create films and posters these days it has shortened the gap between the audience and the producer. The audience can now become the producer, gaining control of meaning, becoming more powerful and active.

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