Monday 27 February 2012

Sophie Munden, Evaluation - Question Three

Question 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

After deciding on a genre we used questionnaires as a form of audience research. Looking through the results, we descovered that the main thing that attracts attention in a trailer is the narrative. Because of this, while filming and editing our trailer we decided against using special effects and stuck to the basics, hoping to let the narrative be the main focus and so not to distract from it.

We also found out that roughly three quarters of our audience do not read film magazines. Because of this we wanted to create a magazine that appealed to a wider audience. By using a serious photograph, colouring and title this would attract an audience who are more interested in things like directers comments. However, by using words and phrases such as 'exclusively' and 'grab your tissues' and using the stars name as an object of attraction, this magazine can also appeal to a young female audience.

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