Monday 27 February 2012

Sophie Munden, Evaluation - Question Two

Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

After choosing to do an independent film, we focused on the creativity and the dramatic effect that images create. Our audience research showed that the majority of people were drawn to a film by the image so using this information we wanted to be inventive eye catching however subtle and realistic to stick with the drama conventions.

Our film magazine images uses colour and lighting to create a serious tone that works with the facial expression, body language and positioning of the character.
For our film poster, we chose to try a more creative and symbolic image. By using Photoshop we were able to come up with a graphic and suggestive poster. Using silhouettes and not much colour.
Throughout our promotional package we have a recurring theme of the flower. This symbolic piece helped to combine and bring together each media product.

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